Six metres of flexible Flat Out lay flat sullage hose in two convenient 3m lengths with joiner for when you need the full run. This sullage hose kit will save you space while offering you a premium drainage system for your Caravan or RV.
Includes: 2 x 3m 25mm hose, Compact Multi-Reel Classic Grey, 2 End-Caps, 1 barbed straight joiner & 1 barbed elbow drain adaptor.
Weight: 1.9kg inlcuding reel and attachments
Dimensions: 30cm diameter reel, see diagrams.
Couple this with any other Flat Out Compact Multi-Reel products such as our drink water hose and empty multi-reel for cables to create the best space saving caravan connections (stacks perfectly with any product with SKU starting with C).
NEW 2023 – Now also available in Matte Black to help you colour-code your connection kit (or just because stealth mode is cool!).