Ready for your larger power extension lead or other uses, the Flat Out Original Multi-Reel will protect your gear and keeping it tangle free.
37 cm diameter
44 cm including handle
8 cm deep
0.9 kg when empty
approx. 30 m power cord capacity,
This unit is large enough to fit nearly all commercially available extension leads. Actually we haven’t found one that doesn’t fit yet, but don’t want to make false promises. It has double the capacity of the Compact Multi-Reel.
One Free Strap: Purpose built to help you secure stacked Multi-Reels when in storage. This strap also makes single
hand carrying for a pair of reels easy.
Other usages include: 15m conventional hose (must be flexible enough to wind), 60m Network cable, 30m Strip LED lights, 15m air compressor hose, 40m Coaxial cabble, 2x10m Tie down strap, 20m snatch strap…
Stack neatly with any other Flat Out Multi-Reel Product (including drink water and sullage hoses) with SKU starting in M.